Here is a blog post where he explains his reasoning, or there are two talks if you prefer video. It's also pretty easy to migrate to from Redux Form, because the component APIs are so similar.

The author of Redux Form took all of the lessons he learned about form use cases from maintaining Redux Form and built 🏁 React Final Form, which he recommends you use if you are just starting your project. If you're just getting started with your application and are looking for a form solution, the general consensus of the community is that you should not put your form state in Redux. 💰 Psst!! Do you know React and Redux? Sign up with Triplebyte to get offers from top tech companies! 💰

Thanks for reading, I hope you found this piece useful.You build great forms, but do you know HOW users use your forms? Find out with Form Nerd! Professional analytics from the creator of Redux Form. The community - has a great community to make every React developer’s life easier